What is the WORST Way to Train a Dog?

What is the WORST Way to Train a Dog?

What is the worst way to train a dog? The very short answer: any way that causes them pain or terror! For the longer and more detailed answer, stick around and keep reading. We’ll go over the worst training strategies in general as well as a few specific...
Top 10 Most Vital Dog Training Tips

Top 10 Most Vital Dog Training Tips

“What are some of the most vital dog training tips?” Before you even start training, you’ll want to know the answer to that question. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Today, we’ll go over the top 10 most important training tips...
Do Dogs Really Need Training?

Do Dogs Really Need Training?

Do dogs NEED training, or can you get by without it? The answer is more complex than a simple “yes” or “no.” It depends on so many factors, including what type of training you’re talking about and how you define “need.”...
Are Dogs REALLY Pack Animals?

Are Dogs REALLY Pack Animals?

Are dogs REALLY pack animals? Once upon a time, the answer would have been “you betcha!” In recent years, though, both animal behaviorists and scientists are completely rethinking this theory. What they’ve discovered has completely changed the way we...