Looking for some proven strategies for how to train a Pomeranian puppy not to bite?
As always, we’ve got you covered!
Below, we’ll talk about why your Pom pup is biting in the first place; then we’ll go over ideas on how to stop the behavior.
Let’s get started, we have a lot to cover!
You may also like: How to Train A Pomeranian Puppy Not To Bark: 6 Tried & True Methods

Proven Strategies for How to Train a Pomeranian Puppy Not to Bite
Train a Pomeranian puppy to stop biting now to avoid an annoying habit later on.
Like all puppies, Pomeranians like to bite when they play. It’s a form of play fighting, and it’s an ingrained instinct in all dogs.
That because their wolf ancestors use play biting to both have fun and to learn how to defend themselves.
While this works well in the wild, it’s not so great for the dog life.
It’s vital to train your Pom puppy to stop biting before he can accidentally hurt another person or animal now or when he gets older.
Why Pomeranian Puppies Bite
Biting and mouthing are natural behaviors for all puppies, no matter their breed.
It’s just how puppies play, and they do it practically every waking moment.
Whether they’re mouthing their owner’s hand or chewing away on a toy, it’s bite, bite, bite all day long for puppies.
All of this biting and mouthing actually serves many important purposes!
First, chewing helps puppies, and even older dogs, work off excess energy, by giving them an outlet to release it.
Chewing also helps puppies cut their new teeth as they come in.
Just like babies need teething rings to help soften the gums and allow their teeth to erupt, puppies need to soften their gums for that same process.
Poms will start getting their baby teeth between 4 and 6 weeks of age, and at 4 months of age, they’ll start losing puppy teeth when their adult teeth come in.
That makes for several months of a pup with a strong urge to chew.
Finally, biting and mouthing is a key part of play for puppies.
As I mentioned earlier, this behavior is more than just fun for them.
It’s an instinctive trait handed down from their wolf cousins who use playfighting as a way to prepare for adulthood.
Wondering, “Do Pomeranian puppies to bite their owners?” The answer is yes. In fact, it’s common!
After all, you’re family to them, and kids always love playing with their family. It’s a way for them to have fun with their people.
Unfortunately, if you’re not a dog, those playful bites hurt!
Why Train a Pomeranian Puppy to Stop Biting

Pomeranian Bites Hurt
I just mentioned one reason. Pomeranian puppy bites hurt!
These tiny little dogs are full of spunk, and they play hard.
When you couple that with their teeny, tiny, needle-like baby teeth, you have a recipe for some particularly uncomfortable bites.
Puppies don’t understand how to control their bite pressure, and their tiny little teeth can easily pierce the skin if they bite too hard.
It can be very painful when those little teeth bite down into your hand or wrist.
When I worked at the vet, I got a nasty bite from a Pomeranian puppy.
He was a happy-go-lucky little guy, and he really liked me.
I was scratching and playing with him, and he got me good on the webbing of my hand between my thumb and forefinger.
Those little teeth got me so bad, I thought I might have to have stitches.
It was a complete accident, but you can see why that was a problem.
Prevent Pomeranian Behavioral Issues
Pomeranians are adorable little furballs, but they have some behavioral issues that should be addressed early in life.
Pomeranians have a tendency to be suspicious of strangers and other animals, especially if they haven’t been properly socialized.
With large animals and loud people, this can turn into aggression quickly because they are so fearful.
If you combine these issues with a Pom who was never trained out of biting, you could have a recipe for disaster.
Legal Issues
Painful bites as puppies are only one reason to train a Pomeranian puppy to stop biting.
Even though Poms are small, when they get older, their bites can still inflict damage.
You never want an adult dog to have a biting habit.
Adult dogs can bite in a playful way and still inflict harm to other dogs, pets, and humans.
Even if they don’t mean to do it, you’re still legally responsible for it.
That can lead to hefty fines, a 14-day rabies quarantine for your dog, and in severe cases, having your dog taken from you.
How to Train a Pomeranian Puppy Not To Bite
So we know why we need to train our Poms not to bite.
Now we need to understand how to train a Pomeranian puppy not to bite.
Don’t worry, it isn’t difficult, so you can feel good about that going into things.
All you really need is consistency.
Puppies are little sponges, and they soak up training readily, especially this type of training which is mostly just associative training rather than learning a specific command.

The Ouch Method
This method mimics what puppies do with each other if one puppy gets too rough.
With this method, you’ll pretend that the bite has injured you.
This reflects what puppies do when one the playmates gets too rough with his biting.
- Yelp: As soon as your puppy bites, yelp as if you’ve been injured.
- Pull Away Your Hand: As soon as your puppy lets go of you, pull your hand or arm away quickly.
- Turn Away and Avoid Eye Contact: Back away from your pup and turn away from him, avoiding eye contact. Do not look at your puppy for at least 30 seconds, no matter how much he tries to get your attention.
- Go Back to Playing: After about 30 seconds go back to playing as if nothing happened, exactly the way puppies do.
- Repeat: Repeat these steps whenever your puppy bites you. He’ll quickly figure out that biting people means that playtime stops.
The Time Out Method
This method is similar to giving a toddler a time out. It works by making an association between biting and stopping playtime. You won’t be issuing any stern “no”s or the like. You’ll simply calmly remove your pup from the fun activity. It’s a very effective method.
- Remove Your Pup: As soon as your Pom pup bites, lead him to a quiet room where there aren’t any toys and leave him there for 30 seconds.
- Release: After 30 seconds, let your dog out of the room and go back to playing.
- Repeat and Add 30 Seconds: If your pup bites again, repeat the process, adding an additional 30 seconds. Continue doing this, adding 30 seconds until your pup gets the idea.
The Calm Play Method
With this method, you’ll train a Pomeranian puppy to play calmly and associate that play with good things. Using this method, your Pom will learn to associate remaining calm with getting more of what he wants.
- Create a Secure Space: To begin, you’ll want a secure space that your Pom can escape to if they get overly stimulated. Something like a crate or a cubby hole that you’ve created is perfect. This helps your Pom go somewhere that allows him to calm down and feel safe. It’s especially ideal if you have young children who tend to pester your pup.
- Keep Playtime Calm: Initiate playtime in a calm manner. Lots of petting, scratching, and even gentle tug of war are great. Don’t play wrestle, as this activates your pup’s instinct to mouth and bite.
- Reward Calm Play: Continuously give your pup rewards and gentle praise when he plays without biting. You want him to associate this type of play with a reward.
- Stop Play if He Bites: Immediately stop playing if your pup bites. You can then do either the Ouch Method or the Time Out Method at this point.
- Repeat: Always keep playtime calm, and repeat the process of rewarding play without biting and removing your pup when he bites.
Watch Outs for Training a Pomeranian Puppy
Before we leave this section behind, there are a few things to remember when training your pup.
These are vital to your training success and to teaching your pup what you want rather than just terrifying him.
Only Use Positive Reinforcement:Â
Positive reinforcement is key.
Not only has it been shown to be an incredibly effective way to train a dog, it also eliminates the possibility of raising a dog to be fearful.
Never “Discipline” Your Dog:Â
What this means is never to discipline your dog in the human sense.
Yelling doesn’t work. Neither does hitting. In fact, these can end up creating a dog that is full of fear.
So, if you’re wondering how to discipline a Pomeranian puppy, the answer is “you don’t.”
Be Consistent:Â
Always been consistent in your training. Do everything the same way every time.
This will allow your dog to quickly make cause and effect connections to give you the result you want.

Train a Pomeranian Puppy to Stop Biting Easily
It’s easy to train a Pomeranian puppy to stop biting. All you really need is consistency.
Always play the same way every time, keeping it calm. Always stop as soon as your puppy starts to bite.
Always reward the behavior you want.
Consistency is how you train a Pomeranian puppy to stop biting, and it works every time. Good luck!